"All You Need to Know About Ayahuasca Retreats: Expectations, Preparation Tips, and the Transformative Benefits Awaiting You."

Ayahuasca House is a retreat center dedicated to providing transformative Ayahuasca experiences. Our ceremonies are guided by experienced shamans in a safe and sacred environment, offering participants a journey of healing and self-discovery.

Ayahuasca House focuses on personalized care and integration, ensuring that each participant receives the support they need before, during, and after the retreat. We emphasize a holistic approach to healing, combining traditional practices with modern therapeutic techniques.

Our retreats are designed to help individuals explore their inner selves, heal from past traumas, and connect with a deeper spiritual awareness. The ceremonies facilitate profound personal transformation.

The first two days are to detoxify your body and to lower your stress levels. In many cases people don’t feel anything or just a little bit from the medicine at the beginning. To transform your life and to truly heal is nearly impossible in just 1 or 2 ceremonies.

We do a really serious job at Ayahuasca House and our goal isn’t just to sell an Ayahuasca experience. We do complete therapies with our participants and all the work necessary so you have the most profound experience possible. Thank you for understanding this.

¡Sí, y 100% sí! ¡Al beber en este estado se producen curaciones asombrosas del útero!

No existe ninguna contraindicación para beber ayahuasca durante el ciclo menstrual sagrado y no hay lógica alguna para negarle a nadie el consumo de ayahuasca durante cualquier parte de su ciclo menstrual. Algunas culturas niegan el consumo de ayahuasca a las mujeres durante la menstruación. Sin embargo, estas son creencias basadas únicamente en el dominio.


Lo más importante es que estés bien alimentado para tener la fuerza para soportar la purga y limpieza energética que traerá el retiro de 4 días.

Sin embargo, te recomendamos evitar los productos lácteos, el azúcar industrial, la harina blanca, la carne de cerdo y la carne roja una semana antes del retiro.

El consumo de marihuana también afecta la capacidad de la ayahuasca para entrar en el organismo. Te recomendamos que dejes de consumir marihuana 2 semanas antes del retiro, cuanto más tiempo, mejor.

Además, si usted consume alguna droga recreativa, debe suspender su uso.


It is NOT possible or advisable to drink Ayahuasca when taking these medications. Please let us know if you’re taking anti-depressants/psychiatric medication and we will help you in the best way we can.

You must be free of these medications at least two weeks before attending a retreat.

All the information on how to prepare for a retreat at Ayahuasca House is contact Renato.

When used responsibly in a controlled setting, Ayahuasca is generally safe. However, it is essential to disclose any medical conditions or medications to the retreat facilitators beforehand.

During an Ayahuasca ceremony, participants typically experience deep introspection, emotional release, and visionary experiences. The ceremony is conducted in a safe, sacred environment under the guidance of shamans.

Ayahuasca can lead to profound insights, emotional healing, and spiritual awakening. Many participants report a deeper understanding of themselves and their purpose.

Many participants report having vivid visions during an Ayahuasca ceremony, but experiences vary. Some may have more introspective journeys without visual components.

Purging, which can include vomiting or diarrhea, is a common and natural part of the Ayahuasca experience. It is believed to be a process of releasing negative energies and toxins from the body.

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