Upcoming Ayahuasca Retreats

17 July - 21 July

14 Aug - 18 Aug

18 Sept - 22 Sept

or just message us to find out later dates
To Reserve Your Spot or for More Info

WhatsApp or Telegram: (+57) 316 755 0952Spanish, English or German

  • Are you struggling to find or fulfil your purpose in life?

  • Do you feel tired or lost?

  • Are you looking to take your spiritual connection to the next level?

Whatever your intention for looking into Ayahuasca, our Ayahuasca Retreats near Medellin, Colombia, are designed to take you into a deep state of consciousness, achieve radical and permanent changes in your life, and make significant reformations to old patterns.

We take into consideration the best ancestral knowledge and scientific research on shamanic medicines to create high quality treatments that can help you to heal physical and mental issues, as well as fulfill your emotional and spiritual dreams.

To make this possible we have a first class team, incredible healthy and organic food, an amazing house, quality accommodation in a warm comfy bed, personalized psychotherapy, amazing musicians, and we limit our retreats to a maximum of 12 people.

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