Rapé Tobacco

Rapé - Tobacco

Rapé Tobacco (pronounced rap-eh or hap-eh) is one of the oldest and most traditional medicines used in the Amazon.
In the Western World, tobacco is given a very bad name from products like cigarettes and with very good reason with the misuse, chemicals and damage it causes to a person’s body. However, when produced in the correct way, organically, and used responsibly, it’s an incredibly powerful medicine.
Rapé comes in powdered form and we have many different types available from different tribes. The powder is always made with a base of organic tobacco and then combined with ashes, natural plants and/or roots depending on the type of Rapé.​

Uses and Benefits

Typical benefits of Rapé include:
– Helping you feel in a more meditative state
– Grounding your energy
– Cleaning your nose and airways
– Healing sinusitis
– Decalcifying the pineal gland
– Aiding blood circulation
– Helping with addictions
– Allergies
– And much much more

Rapé is typically blown up a person’s nose, by the individual themselves using a kuripe (self-applicating pipe) or a tepi (longer pipe that another person blows).
We both sell Rapé and use Rapé during cermonies as part of our retreats if a person wishes. We also have many different types and styles of kuripes and tepis for sale.​

Rapés we currently have available include: Kaxinawa, Jurema, Pau Pereira, Ayahuasca, Sananaga, Saumuma, Murici, Vashawa, Jatoba, Tsunu, Cacao, and Nukini Rosas.

Rapé Tobacco
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